You made a GREAT choice and we are so happy to have you join!! Please email us for a member application OR |
An Active Member | Actively and legally engaged in Greens Industry business within the state of Idaho. |
An Associate Member Pay Here: $375/yr | Actively and legally engaged in Greens Industry related business outside the state of Idaho. |
A Friend of Horticulture Pay Here: $100/yr | City and state government entities, students, and master gardeners. |
Educational Members | Non-voting member and may include representatives of colleges, universities, technical programs, and other interested parties. Anyone who is devoted to horticulture education and are not actively engaged in the Green Industry trade for profit. Please contact us to apply for this level of membership. |
Additional Location Member Pay Here: $75/yr | Secondary business locations can be added to allow for separate listings in all INLA publications. Must be same owner for all locations, and primary organization should be an active or associate member. |