Certified Plant Diagnostician

The Certified Plant Diagnostician (CPD) is intended to recognize your skill and ability in diagnosing plant problems. It is not required to take the  Certified Nursery Professional exam prior to the CPD.

Pests of Landscape Trees & Shrubs” by Steve H. Dreistadt, and “A Systematic Approach to Diagnosing Plant Damage” by Green, Maloy and Capizzi are the official training manuals for Idaho’s advanced Certified Plant Diagnostician.

CPD Recipients

 Certification YearName 

David Higbee

Debbie Hepworth
 1999Joe Carter 
 1999Rebecca Gonzalez 
 1999Gary Moen 
 1999Mike Sandman 
1999Ed Hubbard 
1999Gerry Bates 
1999Julie Jacobson 
1999Robert Pitman 
1999Willy Birkholz 
2000Cindy Fry 
2000Janet McCrorey 
2000Kevin Lockie 
2000Kevin McCracken 
2000Vicki Laird
2002Darlene McDonald
2002Dwight Allen
2002Sandra Reichert 
2004Matthew Perkins
2005Julie Lafferty

Certification YearName 
2006Brian Winn
2007Al Young
2007Robert Wilson
2009Eric Celmer
2009Steven Grigsby
2009William Habblett III
2011Vicki Dodd-Minder
2012Mike Bauer
2013Elizabeth Maxwell
2013Jennifer Jensen
2013Randy Valcarce
2014Sue Patterson
2015Barbara Romero
2015Chris Summerhays
2015Holly Lostra
2017Heather LaRocco
2018Zach Heffernan 
2019Sierra Laverty

 Carolyn Bingham

2023Lindsey Facinelli
2025Alexander Sprague 

Idaho Nursery & Landscape Association

13601 W McMillian Rd, Ste 102 #252
Boise, ID 83713

(208) 985-3939

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