Wood River Valley Education Seminars

  • October 10, 2018
  • 12:30 PM - 4:45 PM
  • 1050 Fox Acres Road, Hailey, ID


Registration is closed

Wood River Valley Education Seminars

sponsored by: Idaho Nursery & Landscape Association

Earn Arborist CEU's and Applicator Re-certification Credits!

Get you "end of season" education credits!

Registration due by September 28!

Event Agenda

 Time  Event
 12:00   - 12:30pm   Registration
12:30 - 1:30 pm "What's Eating My Lawn?" Andy West, U of I Extension, Twin Falls County 
This presentation will introduce you to Billbugs, Chinch Bugs, Crane Flies, Cutworms, Webworms, Leafhoppers, and Grubs. Learn how to identify them and recognize the damage they cause. Come learn about who these insects are and how to control them with an Integrated Pest Management Approach.
1:30 - 2:30 pm "Alternative Chemicals to Control Ornamental Insects" John Franson, Wilbur Ellis, Blackfoot
I will be discussing techniques and options for controlling ornamental insects on trees and shrubs. Various Management options will be discussed including foliar, drenches, trunk sprays, injections, and new insecticide options. I will discuss known insect issues in the Wood River Valley and best management practices for effective and successful treatments. Also, I will focus on following labels and applying insecticides properly while protecting the applicator and environment.
2:30 - 2:45 pm Break 
2:45 - 3:45 pm "Insect Control of Fruit Trees" Craig Nothak, Wilbur Ellis
We will be discussing the different options for control of insects on fruit trees in a residential setting. There will be discussion on organic options as well as non-organic options. Along with some discussion on non-pesticide options.
3:45 - 4:45 pm  "Water Quality & Pesticides" Dr. Curtis Cooper, IDWP
Long-term results for ground water monitoring will be shared, on both a statewide and regional basis. Recent surface water monitoring results will be presented, along with historic results specific to the Wood River watershed. Management practices and implications for endangered species and other species of concern will also be discussed.

Idaho Nursery & Landscape Association

13601 W McMillian Rd, Ste 102 #252
Boise, ID 83713

(208) 985-3939

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